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Park Policies


Players and Kids 12&UNDER are Free

Coaches are Free - When coaching a game


$5 Day Entry Fee​

$5 Tournament Day Entry Fee

Hand stamps for same day re-entry offered at the Box Office

We also sell punch cards for $50 with 10 admissions.

No expiration date, can be used for multiple admissions at one time


The following are NOT VALID for admission for games at the California Soccer Park:

School pass

Administrator pass

Press pass

Student ID, etc


If your school is wanting to pay admission for specific individuals, the school must phone ahead with a list of names and pay in advance.


We are a non-profit facility, here to serve the youth. Gate admission is a large part of how we are able to stay in operation.
Thank you for understanding and supporting the park.


No pets (service animals allowed)

No bikes, skateboards, scooters, hover-boards, or roller blades are allowed inside the park for the safety of patrons

No drones may be used in the park or facility parking lot

No shirt, no shoes, no service

No smoking, e-cigarettes or vape

No alcoholic beverages


We are an all-weather facility, providing for year-round play rain or shine.

In the event of a lightning strike within proximity to the facility, our staff will issue a lightning watch - removing all patrons from the fields to covered locations. The watch time lasts 30 minutes from the last proximity strike.


The California Soccer Park does not cancel client events, but a delay will be enforced. It is the client's decision to hold or postpone events due to weather. If unsure of scheduled events due to weather, contact your team coach. 


We are a family-oriented facility, and expect all attendees to act accordingly in both action and behavior. Guests using profanity, abusive language, gestures, extreme disorderly conduct, and any show of violence will be subject to removal at park staff discretion. 


Parking at the California Soccer Park is FREE.

Please respect the painted lines/spaces available. Vehicles parked in Red-zones or on a fire line with be issued a warning, at risk of towing if the issue persists. 

On busy game-days, youth season and tournaments, the parking lot tends to fill up quickly. Please arrive with time to park and walk to the park entrance.

Overflow parking can be found in the gravel lot on Viking Way (across from the Big League Dream entrance.

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