Become A Field Sponsor
Becoming a field sponsor not only is a big support to the park and the kids, but also provides a great form of exposure for your business.
Over 240,000 used the park in 2018, and with new fields around the corner, we're expecting to watch that number rise.
Fall/Spring League Play Weekends
19 weekends - average 50 games and 1,800 spectators per weekend.
Total attendance: coaches, players and spectators
Tournaments & Cups
11 weekends - average 32 teams and 2,750 spectators per weekend.
Total attendance: coaches, players and spectators
We also host other events during the week:
8-team junior high girls soccer league
2 junior high schools use the park as their home field
3 regional high schools use the park as their home field
Practices virtually every day of the year
Adult soccer leagues.
Annual attendance: coaches, players and spectators - 240,000

The fields are where the action happens. From the multitude of teams that practice Monday - Thursday during the fall and spring seasons to the packed house every game-day, fields are lined with parents, grandparents, siblings and friends.
1 - Year Field Naming Rights:
Branded corner flags (4)
Light Pole Banners
Fence Banner
Branded Goal Labels (for smaller practice fields)
Logo and link displayed on website, and monthly social media exposure.
10 - Year Field Naming Rights:
All of the above proposal with additions:
Custom field branding (logo in center field) with new field installation in 2020.
Branded medical and water stations
Additional: Light pole, concrete and fencer banners