Coach Registration Help
Step 1 Email that you are interested in coaching.
Step 2 Follow the Step-By-Step guide bellow and register to coach.

Fill in required information. Although it says Parent/ Guardian information, you will be entering coach information.

Scroll down. If you would like to add another parent or alternate account holder add them here, under "Account Holder 2". Then click "Continue".

Select "I am a coach or other team personnel".

Click "Select" on the Fall 2020 Program and then click "View Available Positions".

Click "Sign up" next to the team(s) that you would like to coach.

Then, scroll to the bottom and click "Continue".

Click the box that says "Sign up" with your name underneath it. Then, click "Continue"

Click the blue circle with a camera icon.

Click "Upload Photo" and then chose a file (photo of you) from your computer. (Make sure it is a .png, .jpeg, .jpg, or a .gif image.)

Fill in required information and click "Continue".

Fill in required information. Read the information in each text box, click "I accept", type your first name in the first box and last name in the second box. Repeat this process for all waivers.

Click the link to the right of the "Details" and "Delete" buttons that says "Live Scan Form and Instructions on Required Training".
Note: If you are a returning coach and have already completed a background check, concussion training, and/or Safe Sport, check your status to make sure that you are approved for those requirements. If not, you may need to upload your certificates again, or contact us through our support line at (530) 221-2447 so that we can update your status.

Print your request for a live scan background check by clicking the icon in the top right corner. Take this form with you when you go to get your background check. You must go to ACCU-Print in Redding. This is the only place that we will accept a background check from. Police and school background checks or any other will not work. Bring a photo ID and have this form filled before you go in to get your background check.
ACCU-Print Address: 3404 Bechelli Ln Suite B, Redding, CA 96002

On the third page of the same document you will find the links to complete Safe Sport and the "Safe and Healthy Playing Environments Training"/ Concussion Training.
The Safe Sport access code is given to you under the link to register or login to Safe Sport, along with instructions on how to create an account if you have not already.
The Concussion Training link is found under the "Completing Introduction to Safe and Healthy Playing Environments Training" subtitle, along with similar instructions on how to create an account if you have not already.

Once completed, screenshot and upload your certificate of completion to your coach member account. Upload your certificates by clicking the check box next to the name of the certificate that you want to upload and click the "Renew & Update" button.

Click "Upload" and find the screenshot of your certificate in your computer files. Double click the file from your computer and then click "Submit".